To become a security guard, the first thing you must do is obtain a PERC Card. You will not be able to apply for a security guard position until you get one.
A PERC Card, (Permanent Employee Registration Card), is a card that tells employers in the state you are applying that you’ve passed certain background checks through fingerprint submission.
You can apply for your PERC Card at the PERC Card application page on the Division of Professional Regulation website.
Please note this does not guarantee that you will be hired – it allows you to start looking for an employer to hire you.
Here are the application instructions and requirements, which are also located on the PERC pdf:
After completing the fingerprinting scan process, (done through a Livescan Certified Vendor-there is a list of in the PERC application), the state then can run a background check to make sure you are have not committed any felonies and are allowed to work as a security guard.
In addition to the PERC card, you will also be required to complete 20 hours of security guard training. These courses can be taken at any local community colleges, or at places that are certified to provide security guard training.