Medicaid for the Aged, Blind and Disabled (MABD)

This information is for individuals applying for or renewing Medicaid based on being age 65 or older, blind or disabled.

You can now apply for and renew your Medicaid online at See our step-by-step user guide to create an account and navigate the application.

To apply for Medicaid if you are not age 65+, blind and disabled, go to the Vermont Health Connect website.


When you apply for MABD, you will be screened for the following programs:

*If you only want to apply for VPharm, and/or HVP, please visit Prescription Assistance for a shorter application.

*If looking for more information on Long-Term Care Medicaid, please visit Long-Term Care.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for MABD you must:

  1. Be a Vermont resident;
  2. Meet one of the following criteria:
  3. Meet the financial criteria, including:

*You can view the eligibility standards for prior years by visiting Prior Year Eligibility Standards.

How to apply:

How do I report a change?

  1. Call us at 1-800-250-8427.
  2. Complete the 200GMC change report form.​​

​3. Submit the 200GMC change report form online or mail it to us.

​​​ Online using the Uploader: