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Is your property located within Salt Lake City?
Visit the Salt Lake County Jurisdiction Boundaries Map. For more information and to contact your municipality view the Salt Lake County Jurisdictions Directory.
Use the Online Zoning Map to look up zoning for a specific property by entering the address of the property.
Zoning Verification Letter is a request for information related to the present legal use of a property and if that use conforms to current zoning regulations. Most finance companies require this type of letter for properties during the appraisal process, to see if the properties are conforming or legal nonconforming to existing zoning standards. The letter usually will address the current use, whether the building can be rebuilt, if there are any outstanding zoning violations, open building permits, or if there are any variances or other planning approvals associated with the property.
You can request a Zoning Verification Letter online through the Citizen Access Portal. There is a Step-by-Step Guide to learn how to submit on-line.
Use the Zoning Look-up tool to determine if the type of business you are trying to start at a particular address is allowed by entering the type of business and then the address of that property. Once you determine the use is allowed, a Development Review Team meeting (DRT) is recommended. Set up a DRT meeting by filling out the online application and emailing it to
For questions about the meeting and time frame, contact Katilynn at 801-535-6179.
Artificial turf is not permitted as a replacement for vegetation when meeting landscaping requirements in the front yard, corner side yard or park strip. The same applies to any buffer requirements or parking lot landscaping requirements. The required landscaping must be at least one-third live vegetation in the required front yard, corner side yard, and park strip.
The remainder of the landscaping must be an approved organic material such as turf, mulch, bark, rock and gravel. Artificial turf is only allowed in yards where there is no required landscaping such as the interior side and rear yard in single-family residential zones.
The Zoning Look-up tool simplifies the site selection process for locating a new business. You can use this tool by entering the type of business you are trying to start. The map will highlight all the areas of the city where the use is allowed. If you know where you wish to locate your business and want to know if the use is allowed there, enter the property address.
The location of a tobacco shop is regulated by multiple levels of government and is a multi-step process. Below are the government offices which are involved.
Salt Lake City Permitting:
Tobacco shops are categorized as a retail sales use with the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance. While they are permitted in all zoning districts that allow retail sales by City ordinance, their exact location must meet State regulations and obtain the required permits from the Salt Lake County Health Department. For more information, contact Business Licensing at 801-535-7721.
Salt Lake County Health Department Permitting:
The Salt Lake County Health Department has a separate permitting process when applying for a City license. The County Health Department verifies the state location requirements are met when a business license application is submitted to Salt Lake City. It is part of the City routing process.
State Law:
The State of Utah has developed to help tobacco retailers understand the laws and licensing requirements associated with selling tobacco and nicotine products. Tobacco shops are subject to distance requirements established in Utah State Code.
Federal Law:
There are also federal laws that Utah tobacco retailers are required to follow. Visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for more information about retailer education materials and a full list of applicable federal laws.
The City does not currently have regulations or allowances for land use known as “short-term rental.” Currently, the City generally categorizes short-term rentals, such as Airbnb or Vrbo, as hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast uses because the lease period is less than 30 days. Any use that leases living space for less than 30 days cannot be considered a residential dwelling. Hotel, motel, and bed and breakfast uses are permitted in multiple zoning districts around the city. Hotel, motel, and bed and breakfast uses are generally not permitted in residential zoning districts.
Use our Zoning Look-up Tool to determine the zoning district for your property and if a hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast use is allowed. There may be additional zoning or building requirements depending on the number of rooms in the unit. An Administrative Interpretation is recommended for a building where a short-term rental will be located. The administrative interpretation determines in writing that you can use your property for a short-term rental. A Business License is required to operate a short-term rental.
The Planning Commission consists of five to eleven members balancing geographic, professional, neighborhood and community interests. Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a four-year term.
The Historic Landmark Commission consists of five to eleven members of citizens interested in historic preservation and are knowledgeable about the heritage of the city. The Commission should include at least two architects and other members who possess preservation related experience in archeology, architecture, architectural history, construction, history, folk studies, law, public history, real estate appraisal or urban planning. Members serve a four-year term.
In residential zoning districts, any expansion of a driveway needs to lead to a legal off-street parking space. Parking is generally not permitted between the front property line and the front line of the principal building (the front face of the building) in residential districts (Table 21A.44.060). Off-street parking is only allowed to the side of a house or the rear. You will be required to obtain a building permit for any expansion of your driveway. To find out more about the permitting process, contact Building Services at 801-535-7938.
The Residential Driveway Design Guide provides additional information on permitted standards for driveways.
Recreational Vehicles (RV) are permitted in the rear yard. They are allowed in the side yards only if the rear yard cannot be accessed. RV parking is prohibited in the front yard area. No person can park a vehicle, boat, trailer, or other item upon any street for a period of time longer than 48 hours. See City ordinance 12.56.520 and 525. You are required to provide screening by storing it behind a six-foot-tall fence.
The Residential Driveway Design Guide provides additional information on permitted standards for RV parking.
Section 21A.38.070 of the zoning ordinance recognizes all single-family homes and duplexes that met the zoning when they were built as legal conforming, regardless if a duplex or single-family home is allowed by the current zoning (with the exception of the manufacturing zones –see below). This means in the event the single-family home or duplex was destroyed or demolished voluntarily, it can be rebuilt. To verify you have a legal duplex or single-family home, you can request a Zoning Verification Letter online through the Citizen Access Portal. There is a Step-by-Step Guide to learn how to submit an online application.
Duplexes and single-family homes located in manufacturing zones are an exception to this section of the ordinance. If a duplex or single-family home were to be voluntarily demolished and rebuilt in a manufacturing zone, it is required to have Planning Commission approval through a Conditional Use process. You can review the Zoning Ordinance for more information on Conditional Uses.
In order to convert your single-family home to a duplex, you must meet several criteria:
1. Verify that your property is in a zoning district that allows a duplex use, using our online Zoning Map or the Zoning Look-up Tool. Even if your neighborhood has duplexes, that does not mean a new one can be built today. They may have been built at a time when zoning regulations allowed them. They would, in that case, likely be legal, but construction of new duplexes may not be allowed under the current zoning.
2. If the property is located in a zoning district that allows a duplex, verify that the lot meets the minimum size requirement. You can look up your zoning district in Chapter 21A.24 of the zoning ordinance to determine minimum size. The minimum size requirement depends on the zoning district where the property is located.
3. Finally, consider where your off-street parking will be located on your property. Each unit is required to have a minimum of two off-street parking spaces. The four off-street parking spaces are required to be in the side or rear yard.
There may be other zoning and building code regulations that apply.
Please contact the Planning Counter at 801-535-7700 or by email at and contact Building Services at 801-535-7968 for additional information.
An accessory dwelling unit is also referred to as a mother-in-law apartment, accessory apartment, second unit, or granny flat. An ADU is allowed on any property located within a zoning district where residential uses are permitted. Owner Occupancy is required if the subject property is a Single-Family Dwelling. The property owner or an owner’s family member, must live either in the main building or the ADU.
ADUs cannot be subdivided or sold separately from the main building. If you add an ADU to your property, you can rent one of the units, as long as the owner resides in one of the units and enrolls in the Good Landlord Program. Only applicable to single-family properties. A business license is required.
Short term rentals with a lease period that is less than 30 days are considered to be hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast uses, and are generally not permitted in residential zoning districts where ADUs are allowed.
If you are property owener interested in adding an ADU to your property view the ADU Handbook for general guidelines. However, it is recommended to work with a City Planner to help you answer any questions and coordinate your application.
The city recognizes a family as: