Minor Variance

Hamilton City Hall during the day

We strongly recommend that you contact planning staff in order to determine the feasibility of your Consent or Minor Variance application.

Send an email, include the property address & a brief description of the proposal.

All development proposals must meet the terms of the City's Zoning By-law. Whenever changes are made to a particular site and any of the regulations are not complied with, you will need a minor variance or amendment to the by-law to legalize the situation. The variance can relate to the land, building or structure or its use.

Examples of minor variance applications may include, but are not limited to:

Apply for Minor Variance

Step 1. Review Submission Requirements & Gather Information

Prior to submitting an application for Minor Variance, it is recommended that you complete a Zoning Compliance Review.

It is also recommended that you speak with Planning staff prior to the submission of a Minor Variance application to determine the feasibility of the proposal. It is recommended that you complete a Zoning Compliance Review to determine the extent of the variances that may be required.

Review the applicable Official Plan (Rural Hamilton Official Plan or Urban Hamilton Official Plan) and for uses and requirements applicable to your application.

Step 2. Complete the Application Form

This application form is to be used by persons or public bodies wishing to apply for Minor Variance or Permission under Section 45 of the Planning Act within the City of Hamilton.

Important tips when completing the nature and extent of the application (Section 3)

Step 3. Application Fee

You will have to pay the application fee when you submit your application. Applications fees are non-refundable whether the application is approved or denied.

Fees can be paid by cash, cheque or credit card. Cheques must be made payable to the City of Hamilton.

Application Type Fee
Minor Variance $3,900
Routine Minor Variance $705
Variance(s) required "after the fact" $4,865
Recirculation $320

Routine Minor Variance applies to pools, decks, sheds, accessory buildings, porches, eave projections, recognizing legal non-complying situations, secondary dwelling units, and outdoor commercial patios.

Conservation Authority Plan Review Fee

The Conservation Authorities within the City of Hamilton charge fees for their review of Planning Act applications. Please contact Planning Staff to determine if the subject lands are in an area regulated by a Conservation Authority.

The fee is to be paid to the appropriate Conservation Authority, failure to do so may result in a delay of the review of the application. Contact information for the Conservation Authorities can be found in the Submission Requirements and Information package.

Step 4. Sketch Map or Survey Plan

The application must be accompanied by a sketch or survey plan (in metric) containing this information (you may submit additional sketches if all information is not able to be provided on one plan):

You must provide these details with your sketch map:

Step 5. Submit the Application

Submit the completed application form, supporting documents, and fee(s):

By Mail
Committee of Adjustment
71 Main Street West, 5th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5

In Person
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main Street West, 5th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario

By Email
Email [email protected]

Electronic submissions must include:

Hard copy submissions must include:

Requirements After Submission

Once the file has been scheduled for decision, you are required to post a sign on the property.

The City of Hamilton will:

You will need to:

Once you submit your application, a public hearing will be set within 30 days of the date of submission.