The ohio nurse practice act

The mission of the Ohio Board of Nursing is to actively safeguard the health of the public through the effective regulation of nursing care.


The Board functions as a governmental agency created by Ohio law to regulate the practice of nursing in the state of Ohio for the safety of the public. The Nurse Practice Act is set forth in Chapter 4723. of the Ohio Revised Code, and Chapters 4723-1 through 4723-27 of the Ohio Administrative Code contain rules adopted by the Board. The Nurse Practice Act and the rules establish requirements for various types of licensure and certification, practice, discipline, education, and various training programs. You can access the statute and the rules through the Board web site at

Licensees and certificate holders regulated by the Board include registered nurses, advanced practice registered nurses (certified nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and certified registered nurse anesthetists), licensed practical nurses, dialysis technicians, certified medication aides, and certified community health workers. A thirteen-member Board is appointed by the Governor and consists of eight registered nurses, four licensed practical nurses and one consumer. Of the eight registered nurses on the Board, one must be authorized to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse. The consumer member of the Board, a non-nurse, represents the interests of consumers. All Board members serve for a term of four years and may be reappointed for a second four-year term. The Board appoints an Executive Director who oversees the daily operations of the Board.

Public Participation

The Board seeks public participation through Advisory Groups, Open Forums during Board meetings, and Special Issue Meetings convened by the Board for advice and comments on particular issues. Also, interested parties may attend Board Committee meetings convened to consider specific issues or tasks. All meetings of the Board, Advisory Groups, Special Issue Meetings, and Board Committees are open to the public and governed by Ohio Open Meetings Act.

Board Communications

The Board web site is Information is updated regularly and includes, among other things, verification, proposed rules, publications, Annual Reports, and links to other state agencies and to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Momentum, a quarterly publication of the Board, is sent to those with an active license or certificate to provide information on Board activities. Interested parties are encouraged to subscribe, through the web site, to OBN e-News for updates, a free service.

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