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If you love the ambiance of a wood burning fireplace, but don't like the mess and inconvenience of building a fire, upgrading your fireplace with gas burning logs can be an easy and affordable solution. Most traditional wood burning fireplaces can be converted into a gas burning application with some minor tweaks and upgrades. If you already have gas logs installed in your firebox, you can upgrade your gas log set to a more modern design, which will improve the heat and usability of your gas logs.
Please note, gas appliances such as a gas log set can cause serious risk to your health and safety if not installed and maintained properly. Such risks include danger of gas leaks, explosion, fire, and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Installation of the gas line should be conducted by a locally licensed and certified professional. Prior to working on your gas log set, ensure the gas line has been fully shut off. Once you're finished working on the logs, ensure there are no leaks by following the procedures in Part 2.
If you notice the smell of gas from the appliance, turn off the gas supply (at the appliance) immediately and contact a certified gas fireplace repair technician for assistance. If you notice the smell of gas, but cannot identify the source, leave your home immediately and contact your local gas company for further assistance.